I'm sure she was watching over you. 
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On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 8:21 PM, Deacon Patrick <lamontg...@mac.com> wrote:

> Beautiful report, Trevor! My deepest condolences to you and your family. 
> Grieving is a life-long journey, just allow the waves to wash over you. May 
> God's healing balm embrace you and may God startle you with joy!
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> On Sunday, June 9, 2013 6:13:11 PM UTC-6, Trevor saxton wrote:
>> So i took my newly acquired Roadeo for a 200km charity ride this weekend 
>> (100km per day), it was a Ride to Conquer Cancer, 
>> Roade was set up thusly 
>> 46cm Noodle Bars 
>> Microshit Bar End Shifters 
>> 42/26 White Industries Crank 
>> Ultegra/Open Pro Wheelset
>> 11-28 cassette 
>> What I learned during the ride
>> 4 rides totalling 125km over a 2 month span DOES NOT constitute and 
>> adequate training plan for a ride covering 200km over 2 days
>> Riding a bike over 200km before you have dialed in the fit in NOT a good 
>> idea
>> a 42/28 crankset is perfect for handling the most extreme climbs (their 
>> were 4 brutal ones over the two days) however it leaves you short on the 
>> flats and struggling to keep up, this crankset will be moved to a 650b 
>> commuter/rando bike and replace with a 46/32 crank that will serve me much 
>> better assuming i train a little harder for next year which should not be 
>> hard
>> Its been a rough 2 months since I lost my beloved wife to Cancer, she was 
>> my inspiration from the day I met her and will be to the day I die.  Most 
>> importantly I learned how important it is to "Just get back on the bike" 
>> which is one of the mottos of the ride, despite dealing with leg cramps and 
>> saddle sores and a group that dropped me after every put stop (with my 
>> blessings of course) I managed to keep getting back on the bike knowing 
>> that what I was going through  was nothing compared to what cancer patients 
>> and their families live with every day.  The event raised 19.1 Million 
>> Dollars and I remain hopeful that Cancer will be beaten in my lifetime.  
>> The roadeo itself  rode beautifully and attracted a few appreciative 
>> comments particularly form the bike mechanics who donated their time as 
>> well as needed parts for riders in distress at every pit stop.   I look 
>> forward to making the needed fit adjustments which will serve to make the 
>> bike even more comfortable and lively, I cannot imagine how painful the 
>> ride would have been on a different bike. 
>> t will upload more photos tomorrow 
> -- 
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