Eric, Steve:

Thanks for suggesting the MItty8. I went to Wheel Works, as Steve directed, 
and found it was "unavailable at this time".  I'll look into the Strada, 
but have reservations about going wireless. What's the difference in 
battery life (wireless vs. wired)? Also: What's the verdict on the Cateye 7 
or 8? Thanks.


On Sunday, April 28, 2013 6:22:47 PM UTC-7, Eric Peterson wrote:
> As I have a number of bikes, I have standardized on certain components.
> One of which was the Cateye wired cyclocomputers - they have worked great 
> for me.
> Now Cateye has dropped all those models and replaced them new versions 
> that have less functionality.
> So Cateye is acting just like Microsoft and Shimano, and discontinuing an 
> item and making it unavailable.
> I guess that is progress.
> I have checked Wheel Works a number of times, but the the Cateye Mity8 is 
> always "Sorry, this item is currently not available. Please check back".
> Were you able to make a purchase recently of this product from Wheel Works?
> Thanks,
> Eric Peterson 
> On Sunday, April 28, 2013 2:46:21 PM UTC-5, Steve Palincsar wrote:
>> On Sun, 2013-04-28 at 11:13 -0700, john wrote: 
>> > Hi all. Thought I'd ask all of you who use computers for 
>> > recomendations. I've been on the fence about using a computer to track 
>> > mileage for some time now, but I believe I'd like to try. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > The criteria: 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 1. It has to be very simple to operate and easy to read. 
>> > 2. I don't need or want heart rate monitor or anything like altitude 
>> > or anything complicated. 
>> > 3. I'm just interested in tracking mileage (how far was my ride today? 
>> > I seldom know - which is not always a bad thing, but I get curious). 
>> > 4. I don't want to spend a lot of money. I'm thinking I can do this 
>> > for $30 or so? 
>> Wheel World has the Cateye Mity 8 (wired) available on closeout for $20. 
>> I've got a bunch of them.  Functions I use: odometer, average, distance 
>> 1 (current ride), distance 2 (which I use to track when to next clean 
>> the chain), elapsed time.  I ignore max speed and time. 
>> The Strada Wireless has the same functions in a simple, small wireless 
>> computer but it's around $45.  I've got one of these, too. 

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