The Phil Wood web site lists this for the bolts:

MBA40 - Track Hub bolt 
8mm x 1.25 x 40 Bolt for track hubs.

--Eric Norris

On Mar 12, 2013, at 11:55 AM, PATRICK MOORE <> wrote:

> I got the new Surly axle (with shoulders for the bearings and threaded
> for allen bolts) installed in my older Surly hub. I tried the hub with
> a QR and found that you -- or, at least I -- need not only a good,
> sturdy, internal cam steel skewer, but one with sufficient serration
> on the clamping bits. But since I use an allen skewer on the SON I
> decided to just use the allen bolts in back, too.
> Does anyone know what size bolts Phil rear hubs take?
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Philip Williamson
> <> wrote:
>> I'd like to try the New Surly hubs.
>> I use the original QRs, but I think any skewer would work. I've also used
>> nutted axles, and they're fine, too. I like the QRs better for gear changes,
>> and I think they slip less.
>> Philip
>> On Tuesday, March 12, 2013 8:35:01 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Till wrote:
>>> Good quality QR skewers with internal cams and steel shafts (namely,
>>> shimano) are fine for keeping the FG/SS wheels in place.  Cheaper/lighter
>>> skewers with external cams or security skewers are often made out of
>>> inferior materials, and security skewers by design don't provide as much
>>> clamping force as a good QR.
>>> Most QR skewers come with a lot of threads to account for differences in
>>> dropout width, so i think even a 130mm skewer would work fine on a QB/SO
>>> with its relatively thick dropouts.
>>> The new Surly Ultra New Hubs (with female axle ends) are cool because you
>>> can use them as bolt on for a modicum of security and then, if you want
>>> faster gear changes, can take out the axle bolts and put in a QR, with no
>>> changes or modifcations needed.
>>> On Monday, March 11, 2013 10:45:33 PM UTC-7, Michael Williams wrote:
>>>> Hey group,    I was wondering what QB/SO owners use to hold their rear
>>>> wheel in place.   I had a locking skewer,  and that worked well,   but it
>>>> broke.   Do most use quick release skewers?   And if so,   do I need to get
>>>> and older quick release because the spacing for QB is 120 and modern QR are
>>>> 130 and 135.   thanks in advance.   -Mike
>> --
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> Patrick Moore, Ph.D, MBA, ACRW, Albuquerque, NM, USA
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