
Words fail me - I can't express my deep sadness and regret over the loss of 
your son.  And I can't imagine how you found the courage to talk about it so 
soon after that loss - but please know that your determination to speak up will 
help others.  I'll be talking to my almost 13 year old daughter tonight, and 
the conversation will be real and concrete because you found a way to try to 
help others.  Thank you.


[] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 3:51 PM
Subject: [RBW] Ride to Visit My Son

We were lucky to have a sunny day in the 60's here in NE Alabama yesterday.  I 
took a nice long ride on my Ram to visit my 16 year-old son, Alex.  Sadly, that 
ride was to the cemetary because Alex accidentally killed himself a week ago 
today while playing the "choking game".  If you have kids or young adults in 
your life, please talk to them about the dangers of this practice.  We had 
talked to Alex about this, but when you're 16 the concept of death is tough to 
grasp.  Alex was a happy, well-adjusted, smart young man who made one last 
tragic mistake.  Please talk to your famiy so this doesn't happen again.

Thanks for your support while my family struggles through this.

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