Sale pending.  Thank you.
On Sunday, February 3, 2013 10:18:23 AM UTC-6, Matthew J wrote: 
> For sale dirt cheap a brand new rear Nitto Big Rack, two new Swift 
> Industries Stack Panniers in brown wax canvas, and a very good condition 
> Supernova Airstream.  Selling as a lot for $200.00 total.   
> Not interested in parting out.  If you do not want everything, the price 
> you pay is so low you can sell off the unwanted pieces if you are so 
> inclined.  I am not. The only reasonI am asking for $200.00 is to weed out 
> the eccentrics.  My hope is whoever buys it uses them all on a Bombadil, 
> Hilsen or Atlantis. 
> Not interested in shipping either.  Sorry.  I don't have a box and do not 
> feel like looking for one.  I am located near the Kennedy expressway.  Out 
> of towners maybe can get a local friend to swing by. 
> Pick up either this coming Wednesday, Friday, or next weekend.  

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