Its nice to sell stuff here (or on the BoB list) because its easy.  But
really its not that hard to sell on eBay.  I posted about 9 things last
week and am in process of having about a $500 day from stuff in my
garage.   I'm sure I could have listed and sold here, and I did post an
auction link, but eBay lets the market drive the price up.  Due to the
nature of an auction, I'm getting many times what I would have offered via
an email here.

Example: $26 for a broken rear deraileur and $62 for some obsolete pedals

God Bless the Free Market!!!

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Michael <> wrote:

> I bought my Bleriot online from a really nice guy either from here, the
>> BOG, or a general cycling forum. I don't know which.
>> He was very helpful and patient to answer all my pre-purchase questions
>> and even questions I had during assembly.
> He was very kind, and although he was going to ask for more on ebay, he
> sold the bike to me for a very nice price.
> --
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