> I'd go Roadeo just because your Hunq can easily do what an Atlantis would 
> do and you have a defined need that the Roadeo would cover that the others 
> aren't. 
I am in the same boat since I didn't win the custom. This is the reason 
that I bought a gift certificate instead of buying some stuff that I sort 
of want or need but don't have a defined need for. I am putting money into 
a Roadeo frame and will build up a fast road bike for club rides, which is 
a lot of my riding now. I have a Sam if I want to bike camp or do some 
really long bike tour. The Roadeo seems perfect for club riding. 
If I won the custom I would have to really choose between something 
for single track trail riding or something just like a Roadeo. It would be 
a tough choice for me. 

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