B17s are $99 on Amazon with free shipping. Selle Anatomica is having a
$99 sale until the end of 2012.


1On Nov 23, 6:40 pm, Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net> wrote:
> On Nov 23, 2012, at 9:21 AM, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery 
> <thill....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > When I first opened Hiawatha Cyclery in 2005-06, my wholesale price on a 
> > standard B17 was $33 and retail prices were $75+. At that time, Brooks was 
> > being acquired by a new owner. That new owner, from my perspective, picked 
> > up on the fact that Brooks had become a boutique brand (partly thanks to 
> > Riv!) that would benefit from a high, exclusive price. The 
> > import/distribution channel also changed. Prices rose pretty dramatically 
> > at first during this transition, then stabilized and rose more slowly to 
> > the present $70-75 range for a B17 (wholesale price for US retailers, who 
> > have mostly kept a margins constant to sell at $110-120).
> I think that is exactly right and not just with Brooks and its new owners.  A 
> lot of manufacturers have pegged the fact that the upper end of the bike 
> market tends to be a bunch of suckers.  $100 chains, $200 cassettes, etc.  
> Bike component prices at the high end are just plain stupid in many cases 
> (Campy, Shimano, Sram, etc.). IME the new Brooks saddles don't last as long 
> and aren't as comfortable as the ones from 30 years ago (although the new 
> ones get comfortable sooner)- I still ride a Pro I bought new in 1977.  The 
> old Brooks company was pickier about leather, IMHO.  The new ones are still 
> better than 90% of the saddles out there, though, and a lot of those cost 
> even more than a Brooks.
> My other hobby is playing music and the exact same phenomenon can be readily 
> observed in guitars and accessories.  Something with $40 worth of parts 
> retails for $250 and guitarists buy 'em.  I know people with boxes full of 
> "obsolete" stomp boxes and the like, abandoned when the next cool thing came 
> along.
> Both have the equivalent of Rivendell customs or Richard Sachs or Bruce 
> Gordon:  finely crafted, carefully thought out works of useable art.
> And in both bikes and guitars one can get at least 90% of the performance at 
> a fraction of the price.

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