I was actually a little surprised that Grant published the article in
the Rivendell Reader.  There are a number of Rivendell owners in
Tucson.  Several of us even got together on one occasion to display
our Rivendells and distribute Rivendell catalogs during a GABA
(Greater Arizona Bicycling Association) swap meet a number of years
ago (Greg Yares, who coordinates the swap meet, pulled us together)
I guess Maynard is a FOG ("Friend of Grant") with certain
Jim Cloud
Tucson, AZ

On Nov 5, 7:53 pm, Christopher Murray <chrispmurra...@gmail.com>
> I lived in Tucson and I would say that it is one of the best places to ride 
> in the country. I have lived in NH, MA, CA, OR, and WA and the drivers were 
> no better and worse in most cases than in Tucson. The fact is cyclists have 
> issues with cars in every big city. Maynard is semi-famous so his voice got 
> heard and published. I actually wrote to Grant after MH wrote those things 
> about Tucson to say that it seemed totally unfair to Tucson without printing 
> a pro-Tucson piece too. Obviously that did not happen. Even now after moving 
> away from Tucson I still feel like what MH wrote and GP published was unfair 
> and not right.
> I actually met MH just before he moved and thought he was very nice. It turns 
> out we have mutual friends.
> Cheers!
> cm

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