I think it's a helluva deal and a fantastic looking bike as well. You
not only have a bike you built yourself but a weeks worth of time with
a master of the trade. Hang a value on that.

On Oct 16, 2:55 pm, "Allingham II, Thomas J"
<thomas.alling...@skadden.com> wrote:
> It was $3,000 for the week, which considering how late Mike worked every 
> night is a pretty darn good deal. Plus delicious lunches, and of course your 
> own custom A.N.T. Frame/fork!
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 16, 2012, at 2:25 PM, "James Chang" 
> <lohech...@gmail.com<mailto:lohech...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Damn, Thomas, that's really nice.  it even cooler the fact that you actually 
> built it.  You are now officially a frame builder.  How much does a class 
> like this run?  Interested!!!
> James Chang
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 9:32 PM, Allingham II, Thomas J 
> <thomas.alling...@skadden.com<mailto:thomas.alling...@skadden.com>> wrote:
> OK, I know this is stretching it, but I’m usually pretty scrupulous about 
> staying on topic – and I’m so excited about finishing this bike that I have 
> to share with the group.  I signed up for a weeklong one-on-one frame 
> building course (“bike camp”, to my wife, who gave it to me as a Christmas 
> present) with Mike Flanagan at A.N.T., and made this frame (with considerable 
> help from Mike).  I finished the final build this weekend.  Here it 
> is:http://www.flickr.com/photos/37542512@N04/8087111571/in/photostream
> My first fixed gear, very fun but very strange feeling at first.   Riv 
> content (there really IS some):  alloy Bosco bars, and Nigel Smythe Keven’s 
> bag.
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