There are a number of Riv's in my town but the the comments I get are 
distinctly different between my Hung and Hillborne.  When people see the 
Hunq, they put a hand on it and say "nice, what's it for?"  When they see 
the Hillborne they inevitably ask; "How old is it?"  Go figure.


On Sunday, October 7, 2012 11:00:59 PM UTC-4, dougP wrote:
> So we're toodling down our local bike path this afternoon when a guy 
> on a side path, waiting for us to pass, comments "nice bikes" so of 
> course I thank him.  Moments later he cruises by with the comment 
> "I've got one of those at home".  He's riding a nice lugged steel bike 
> with an Acorn saddlebag but passes so quickly I can't read the name. 
> Speeding up I eventually catch him to ask about the comment.  "Oh, I 
> have an Atlantis and also a Hilsen."  Turns out he's riding a Woodrup 
> (???) or something close, an English bike sporting bolt on cable 
> housing clamps, etc.  He's aware of our SoCal Riv Riders Appreciation 
> Society & now that he knows we're for real may join us in the future. 
> My wife was amazed:  "You mean he recognized our bikes as we rode 
> by?"  It's like bird watching:  if you know what you're looking at, 
> it's easy to spot them. 
> dougP 

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