Was hopeful Longleaf Bicycles would successfully take over the production
of Kogswell framesets, but it is unclear if this project has officially
been called off...

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Scott Henry <ske...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ahhh Memories...
> Two of my rides right here:
> http://cyclofiend.com/cc/2005/cc010-scotthenry0605.html
> http://www.fixedgeargallery.com/2003/henry.htm
> Good Times.
> Scott
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Scott Henry <ske...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am the very happy owner of a model P60.   Also a remorseful seller of a
>> D58 and a F58.
>> Now that I have learned my lesson, the P won't be leaving my stable.
>> The first two Kogswells were the D and F, essentailly a deraileur and fixed
>> version of the same bike in a lovely kustard and black paint.  The F was
>> interesting in that it was designed around 135mm track dropouts allowing
>> mountainbike singlespeed setups or Kogswell own hubsets.  The D was OK, I
>> really just got it to have a matched pair, the F was extremely comfortable
>> with its laid back angles.
>> The P is just about a Rambouillet with slightly different (ECO) tubing
>> and un-carved Pacenti artisain lugs.   Mine built up well years ago and has
>> yet to give me any trouble at all.   From my dealings Matthew Grimm was
>> always easy to deal with and a pleasure to talk to.  I would have purchased
>> a P/R but that heavier duty/Loads/trekking style of bike was never my style.
>> If a Kogswell ever comes back around, don't hesitate, it will be a great
>> bike.  Someone got a hellofa deal.
>> Cheers,
>> Scott Henry
>> Dayton, OH
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