The only thing I know about Power-Ratchets is that they mysteriously get 
you into the right gear in either direction every dang time, fluidly and 
silently. If indexing came first, Power-Ratchets would have been considered 
the equivalent of synchromesh being introduced to clunky post-war 
automobile manual transmissions. 
Joe "snick-snick" Bernard
Vallejo, CA.
On Friday, September 21, 2012 8:17:22 PM UTC-7, lungimsam wrote:

> I have Shimano's, not Silvers.
> But: 
>> Here is an installation video from Rivendell that might help:
> Just a few thoughts based dealing with my Shimano's that may or may 
> not apply to Silvers. If these don't apply to Silvers - sorry. Just wanted 
> to back up the truck on what I know about bar ends:
> 1. Remember the orientation of the levers, washers, adapters, etc. as you 
> remove them.
> For my Shimano 10-speed levers, they have to be oriented a certain way 
> when mounting and have the SIS/friction selector oriented a certain way, to 
> the best of my recollection. The adapter for the lever/pod connection has 
> to be oriented a certain way on mine as well, I think.
> 2. If you are not going to detach the shifter cable from your rear 
> derailer, you might want to think about shifting your levers into the 
> downmost position possible (pointing to ground) before removing the lever 
> so you can remember which position (gear) it was in for remounting.
> Just a thought. I am not a mechanic. *Maybe someone more in the know can 
> chime in.* 
> Here is a page telling how to remove and reinstall shimano bar ends.
> Hope this helps in some way.
> I love my bvar-ends, too.

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