Looks like you had a great time.  I've been to Seattle twice & and every 
day was sunny.  On the other hand as soon as I take our tent out of the 
loft, rain clouds convene a war council.


On Monday, August 20, 2012 11:47:27 AM UTC-4, Andy Smitty Schmidt wrote:
> The wife, kids and I spent the last week tooling around Seattle. We took 
> advantage of the bike racks on Amtrak's "Cascades" line and brought Homer 
> and Betty along. Mileages were low and we were mostly going to familiar 
> places around town like friends' houses, parks or favorite eateries, so it 
> wasn't necessarily the most spectacular of bicycle adventures. Despite the 
> non-epic nature of the trip, the whole family had a blast. Visiting our old 
> turf and seeing friends is always a good time, and doing it door to door by 
> Rivendell and train is even more fun. 
> Pics prove that it doesn't always rain in 
> Seattle<http://www.flickr.com/photos/15966859@N07/sets/72157631151547624/>
> --Andy

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