I saw that wall art and immediately thought of you, Amit. I had to capture 

Mike... yes, more rides. 


On Monday, July 23, 2012 1:52:06 AM UTC-7, Amit Singh wrote:
> Great ride summary and photos.  Glad to see someone else is taking photos 
> of wall art on their bicycle rides.
> Well Done, Smitty!
> Amit
> On Monday, 23 July 2012 02:16:35 UTC-4, Andy Smitty Schmidt wrote:
>> About a week ago I was planning an overnight bike camping trip. I had the 
>> support and encouragement of my wife. As the week went on and I talked to 
>> friends about possibly joining me, it became apparent that I either needed 
>> to go overnight alone or forgo the camping in exchange for 2 day trips with 
>> 2 different friends. I opted for the latter. When I told my wife the new 
>> plan, she told me that she'd rather I be gone overnight. Her explanation 
>> involved something about how when I'm gone during the day she does't have 
>> any time off 'cause she's watching the kids. For her to get "time off" I 
>> need to be gone in the evening too so she can relax and do her thing.
>> In the end, I opted to go for the 2 day trips and disappoint my wife. 
>> Saturday (day 1) was an excursion across the Columbia River to Portland's 
>> out-of-state suburb... Vancouver, WA aka the "not cool Vancouver". (note: 
>> Vancouver, BC, Canada is the "cool Vancouver"). Our objective was a MUP 
>> that friend B-money had spied on the map a while back but neither of us had 
>> ever ridden on it. Success... the trail was a bit dis-jointed with several 
>> connections on neighborhood streets, but overall it was a pleasant respite 
>> from the heavily car oriented suburbs of the 'couve. 
>> Sunday (day 2) the weather was "supposed" to start out cloudy but clear 
>> up as the day progressed. That didn't necessarily prove to be the case. We 
>> got a little wet, but it wasn't that cold and we were mostly dry. Despite 
>> the weather, it was great to ride with fellow AHH owner Leaf "Mike" Slayer. 
>> We saw a bear but one of us might have shouted an exclamation of excitement 
>> and scared the bruin off before anyone could snap a picture, so no proof 
>> that that actually happened. 
>> Pics 
>> here<https://picasaweb.google.com/113148323994353762329/DisappointingTheWife?authuser=0&feat=directlink>
>> --Andy

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