Every summer I see Mike's and others pictures of beautiful green forests 
and wonderful rides and I think I should move to Portland... and then 
winter comes and I change my mind.   
and maybe I'm in the minority but I wish Grant would talk less about the 
low carb diet and just ride.

Carlsbad CA.

On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 3:28:44 PM UTC-7, Mike wrote:
> The weather here in Portland has been beautiful lately. Downright 
> exceptional over the past three days while I was at work. I woke up this 
> morning and it was cooler but could tell it would burn off. My wife is out 
> of town and we have a puppy so I can't get away for all day rides but I did 
> get in a 3hr ramble passing through Forest Park twice. When I first entered 
> Forest Park and ended up taking Fire Rd 1 which I had never ridden before. 
> It's quite steep in parts and so I just dismounted and just walked a few 
> sections which was fine. I was on my Hilsen and one area where it doesn't 
> do so great is steep scrabbly climbs. I guess I could have "muscled" up the 
> climb but that just didn't seem fun. I exited Forest Park and headed up to 
> Skyline on the pavement and took that for a little ways before dropping 
> back down into Forest Park via Saltzman and made my way down to Hwy 30 and 
> across the St Johns Bridge and back home, stopping for tacos and ice cream 
> along the way. 
> It was just a really great ride. I was on my Hilsen with platform pedals 
> and wearing some Musa shorts and an LL Bean seersucker/hiking shirt I 
> recently purchased on sale. The shirt worked well except for on descents 
> where it tends to flap in the wind a bit too much for my taste. I guess I 
> could tuck it in and the problem would be solved. 
> After spending so much time focused on randonneuring for the past couple 
> of months it was really nice to just get out for a ramble. I'll do some 
> variation on the ride tomorrow and the next day. When my wife returns I'll 
> hopefully get out for an overnight camping trip.
> Here's a photo set:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/41335973@N00/sets/72157630519177722/
> --mike

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