To complement our trip to Normandy last spring, I'm reading Citizens of 
London, about American diplomats etc who lived in London during WWII -- 
strongly recommended if you'd like to know more than jingoist movies teach 
us about the history of US involvement in that war.  Accessible, well 
written.  Road to Valour is next in the line-up.
On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 8:01:56 PM UTC-7, Mike wrote:

> I saw that RBW is now selling What Now? I imagine it's gotta be pretty go 
> for them to go to the trouble of carrying it. Anyone here read it or intent 
> to read it? I've only ever read one book by Anne Patchett--State of Wonder. 
> It was okay. I need to read Bel Canto as I've had a lot of people recommend 
> it. 
> Since this tends to be a time of year where people get away for bike 
> camping and vacation, I'm wondering what people are reading or planning to 
> read this summer? I just started Buried in the Sky and really like it. In 
> fact, I need to pull myself away from the computer and spend some time 
> reading it. 
> --mike

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