The shirt is from Rickshaw Bagworks. I don't know if they sell it on their 
website anymore. But call they might have more.

Also another cool thing. Didn't know if I should have posted this up on 
forum but since Grant posted already a huge welcome to new bike 
packer/saturday guy, Sean! A good buddy of mine, who I have had the 
pleasure of riding with. Same Sean that broke his spoke on the dirt ride 
down from Pantol, the same Sean who rides a double top tube, green Sam, the 
aame Sean who is famously known as the Canadian Spaniard (His future 
wrestler name). I'm lucky enough he's able to deal with riding with me and 
more that happy that he's working at Rivendell. 
Funny thing about how I found out. I tried tricking him (because thats the 
only way I can convince people to ride with me) into riding me up South 
Gate that day when he told me he couldn't because he was starting his new 
job that day. He asked me to guess where and jokingly replied, "At 
Rivendell!" He said Hey your right! Ha there's some snaps shots of his 
first day in the previous set.

Here some pictures of Sean. So you know... he exist.

Him and his new bike

Him pushing his new bike up a hill around Berkley 

Him sitting around the Marin Headland 

Don't ask me why he doesn't smile more...


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