+1 !!!!!!

From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Will
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 1:48 PM
To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
Subject: [RBW] Re: My favorite bike invention!

LED lights and dynamo hubs. The quality of system available today is 
exponentially better than 10-15 years ago.

On Monday, July 2, 2012 11:43:13 AM UTC-5, Michael Hechmer wrote:
OK, admittedly a bit, ok a lot, off topic... but Riv people have a ....nuanced 
relationship with technological biking "advancements."  So consider this a 
philosophical inquiry. (Perhaps even GP will be interested in this unscientific 
survey) Yesterday as I was out for a very pleasant couple of hours riding in 
the Green Mountains on my Ram, I had a certain insight into what has added the 
most to my cycling pleasure during the last 35 years.  It was clear.  The 
"compact crank"!

When I took up cycling, as an adult, with full Campy equipment,typical gearing 
was a 52/42 mated to a 13-23.  Even then being wimpy I used a 13-26 and 
discovered that despite Campy's claims my NR derailler would handle a 28.  
Still big hills, let alone mountain passes, were agonizing.  Now with a 44/30 & 
11/28, I can cruise up 8% grades in a near 1 to 1 ratio, and manage the 
occasional  10-14% ramp without distress even though I am 30 years older.  Of 
course longer 10+% mountain climbs want lower gears.  I believe that the 
compact crank has also driven both front and rear derailler development, 
yielding crisp shifting over just enough wider range  to make a go-fast set up 
appropriate for  tackling lots of hills.

Of course, learning the speed and joy are independent variables has also helped 
a lot.  But pain and joy are not.

Soooo.... what bicycle development has added the most to your enjoyment during 
your cycling career?


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