>From the Blug: "But we do wonder how many we can sell sight unseen, and so 
that’ll be our MO until it’s been leaked."
Yeah, I don't get it, either, but the chances that anyone would be 
disappointed with how the poster turned out are slim. I'm terrible at 
figuring out how to get pics from camera to computer to bike forum, so I 
won't be your leaker.
Joe Bernard
Vallejo, CA.
On Tuesday, June 19, 2012 7:37:24 AM UTC-7, Peter Pesce wrote:

> Yesterday's Blug says the first 100 are shipping today (the 19th) so you 
> left-coasters should have them very soon. We easterners will have to wait 
> for the pony express to make its way. Grant also... well... not exactly 
> "requested"... maybe "suggested" that nobody post an image of the poster 
> online. Seems odd, given that DLG himself has thumbnails of all his posters 
> on his own site. 
> BTW, what's with the new surprise/secrecy theme at RBW? First a bike to be 
> bought sight unseen, now a poster? 
> On Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:22:05 AM UTC-4, Zack wrote:
>> I placed my pre-order last night.
>> I have to say, I am really excited, I checked out DLG's website and his 
>> stuff is awesome.  I can't wait to see what he has done for Riv.  
>> Anyone else pre-order?  20 bucks is pretty much free for a quality 
>> poster.  
>> http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/pr6.htm

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