
Actually, I was under the impression that the tubesets were the same -- but the 
Quickbeam definitely feels more nimble than the S1, I'm guessing mostly because 
of the tires (and maybe the build).  The QB is on Jack Brown Greens, which I 
think are both cushy and fast-feeling, and it typically has only the Country 
Bag on the back, which limits the load.  (It also used to have a 
Platrack/Slickersack combo, which I loved but don't need now that the S1 is my 
primary commuter).  The SimpleOne is on fat Marathon Supremes (great tire, too, 
but not as quick-feeling as the JBs), has what Patrick M characterized 
(correctly) as a 1964 Buick trunk (in the form of a Large Saddlesack) AND a 
densely packed Lil' Loafer (tools, tubes, etc) on the front, and has very wide 
Noodles on a Dirt Drop stem (as opposed to the 44 Noodles and lugged stem on 
the 'beam).  Also, the S1 has a wider sprung saddle (a B67).  Taken together, 
they all make the Quickbeam feel zippier -- but the S1 definitely doesn't feel 
like a slouch, either.

And one thing the SimpleOne did for me was better dial in my fit.  I had been 
riding a variety of bikes for 4 years or so (since I got back into riding) with 
saddles set at just around 79 to 80 cm (170mm to 175mm cranks; I have an 87 
PBH).  One of my sons rode the SimpleOne on Riv Rally East, and we set the 
saddle about 2 cm lower for him.  I forgot to readjust it when I hopped back on 
the bike, noticed it right away but was in a hurry to get to work, and so rode 
the 5 miles to work at the lower saddle height.  By the time I got there, I was 
thinking, "Why did I ever thinkI was comfortable before?"  Almost a revelation. 
 I've moved every one of my saddles down about 1 to 1.5 cm, and every one is 
more comfortable, with no noticeable reduction in efficiency.


[] On Behalf Of Eric Platt
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: [RBW] Extended commute

Nice.  Your rides are making me jealous.  So, have to ask - how do you describe 
the differences between the Quickbeam and the SimpleOne?  Just heavier tubes or 
something else.

For my riding style, the SimpleOne works great.  But always want to hear about 
the other models.

Eric Platt
St. Paul, MN

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Allingham II, Thomas J 
<<>> wrote:
Headed out early enough this morning that I could extend my normal commute out 
the Northern Delaware Greenway to the PA state line, an extra 18 miles.  No 
load this morning, so I took the Quickbeam -- a little less Clydesdale-ish than 
my SimpleOne:

Less than 1 1/2 miles of this 22 mile loop was on pavement -- a great ride.

But now all I'm doing is staring out the window, plotting how I can get back on 
the bike this afternoon!


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