On May 5, 10:33 pm, Seth Vidal <skvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I would argue for a brompton over a bike friday. Bike friday's are
> good for if you want a quasi-portable/foldable bike which rides more
> or less like any other bike. However for real portability and a tidy,
> quick fold - the brompton is significantly better
> -sv

I'll have to give those a gander some day. I know Clever Cycles here
in Portland sells a lot of them. What I like about Bike Fridays is
that people seem to do some serious touring on them. I like that. What
really changed my thinking about BFs was first meeting and talking
with this guy:


And then after seeing this guy's photos I realized that you could do
some serious touring on a BF:


None of this is probably helping Ray. But if he does sell off a few of
his excess bikes he'd have the funds and space for a BF or Brompton...

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