I have shifted my DOS-ENO equipped Quickbeam exactly once -- to road test how 
much easier my low (32/19) gear was, in anticipation of using it on the initial 
20+ mile climb on Riv Rally East 2012.  (As it turned out, the RRE single speed 
contingent both made the climb in our "normal" gears -- 40/16 and 46/19, 
respectively, both around 65 or 66 gear inches.)
I ride my QB on my commute (4-5 miles, mostly downhill to work, mostly uphill 
home), and I would echo other comments -- you'd be surprised what you can learn 
to be comfortable climbing in your normal gear.  I'm out of the saddle quite a 
bit on the way home (both for some short steep climbs and some longer less 
rigorous ones), but I've come actually to enjoy the honest work.  Cleanses 
work-related tension.  There is one very short very steep trail climb that I've 
never managed without 15 or 20 yards of walking, but I keep trying every day -- 
the definition of insanity.

I also ride the QB on 15-25 mile weekend rides with some serious rollers, and 
again I don't shift -- just tough out the climbs, which are steeper than on my 
commute, but never more than maybe 1000 meters.

So recognizing that my local topography is reasonably well-suited to a SS, I 
still feel constrained to say that without ever having shifted it, the 
Quickbeam is my favorite of all my bikes -- so much so that I bought a 
SimpleOne as a new commuter, and will modify the QB to be a sort of gofast SS.  
I love them both.

From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of EricP
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 8:56 PM
To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
Subject: [RBW] Question about White Ind Dos Freewheel

For the folks that have one of these on their Quickbeam or SimpleOne - do you 
actually swap gears that much?  Am thinking of a 17/19 for my SimpleOne.  
Besides worrying about clearance issues am just wondering if it would get used 
enough to justify the price.  There are not a lot of long climbs in the Twin 
Cities, but in other parts of the state, a 2 mile or more climb is not unheard 
of.  Also thinking it might be good for a bail out on a windy day.  Or really 
steep shorter hills.  As my SimpleOne has metal fenders, this seems a more 
appropriate choice that flip/flop freewheels.

Have also considered a Dingle fixed cog setup.  Not willing to try that right 
now.  The idea of superfast spinning on downhills just doesn't appeal.

Thanks in advance for any opinions.

Eric Platt
St. Paul, MN

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