Amen!   My commute is 7 miles, 35-45 minutes depending on traffic and wind. 
 Most of my commute is on MUPs, which are really delightful in the morning, 
though they get pretty busy on nice spring and summer days.  Clothing 
choices aren't an issue, in Boulder, even in summer, the temps in the 
mornings are usually in the 50's, sometimes even in the 40s.  So I can wear 
my work duds on the way in without sweating them up too bad, and peel down 
to riding clothes for the ride home.  I'm doubly blessed, as there is 
public transporation that can take me door to door in both directions 
during rush hour, and they carry bikes on the buses.  So, we've managed to 
actually ditch one car.  Makes the investment in a Hilsen seem a bargain. 
 Can't wait to get back to it.  And I agree that after that ride in the 
morning, I am in a much better state of consciousness to start the work 
day.  I really enjoy the commute.
Jim in Boulder.

On Sunday, April 29, 2012 8:45:23 PM UTC-6, JimD wrote:
> The past few weeks have reminded me about why my routine ~6 mile ride to 
> and then from work is so compelling. 
> It provides a mini adventure to start and end the day with. 
> The half hour that is usually takes  relaxes me in the morning and 
> provides decompression in the evenings. 
> We have had changeable spring conditions here in the Northern Calif Bay 
> Area. 
> One recent ride home turned into torrential rain at about the 3 mile mark. 
> I arrived home wet, cold, and happy. 
> I'm a much happier camper when I ride as compared to when I drive. 
> -JimD

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