Great suggestions, everyone. I'm getting a Randi Jo based on Pudge's 
comments but also because I like to support fellow sole-proprietor's, see 
his website: The B17 on my fenderless mountain 
bike will benefit the most but also my Hisen during Minnesota deluges, 
typical on any given day.

Keep the rubber side down! Sean (Shifty)

On Tuesday, April 24, 2012 8:42:43 AM UTC-5, Beth H wrote:
> Citybikes in Portland has been carrying some neat saddle covers made 
> locally, sold under the name Chicken Scraps. 
> They run around $30 and they seem pretty tough. I'm still using the 
> old Carradice cover that has been patched and seam-sealeda couple of 
> times (I don't want to toss it!), and with a plastic bag underneath 
> there are no problems. 
> Beth H in PDX 

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