I did it like this:

Custom rack, fork and frame, yes. :-)  But the mounting still took a
bit of puzzling out and a trip or two to my favorite old-fashioned
hardware store.

Lynne F

On Apr 25, 7:40 am, Tom Harrop <twhar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've mounted them on both a Mark's rack and a Nitto mini-front. My methods
> were a bit kludgey and the aesthetics may displease the rando crowd but I
> can tell you they work fine.
> For the mini-front I bolted the Supernova multimount to the hole in the
> front tab of the rack. That gives a great light position and I don't think
> water spray has been a problem because I have the long Berthoud fenders.
> It's also protected from bumps by the tyre. Photo 
> here<http://flic.kr/p/bvSBMV>.
> The downside is that it's highly visible when the bike is parked and I'm a
> bit worried it will get lifted.
> On the Mark's I made a little mount by bending some stainless steel. It
> worked out a quite similar shape to the mount VO 
> sells<http://store.velo-orange.com/index.php/accessories/lighting/dynamo/vo...>
>  but
> obviously heavier (maybe stronger too?). If I'd known about the VO mount
> before I made it I probably would've just bought one of them. I attached
> the mount to the right hand rack stay by using a spare daruma bolt, or you
> can piggy-back it where the stay attaches to the rack (like in this 
> photo<http://flic.kr/p/aDTmeD>).
> In this case the light is less visible and better protected under the
> basket, but you have to put up with a bit of tyre shadow.
> Good luck, I'd be interested to see some photos when you're done!

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