They both sound like great bikes, but I think Rivendell was late to the 
single-speed party. The Quickbeam copy says something about single-speed 
riders getting tired of their bikes and the QB being a better alternative 
to single-speeds. Then, a few years later, comes the Simple One. I think 
the slanted rear dropout is pretty brilliant, but there are lots more 
single-sppeds out there now than when the QB came out. So the Simple One 
has lots of competition, and not just on price — the aesthetics of some of 
them are nice as well.
On Tuesday, April 10, 2012 8:21:11 PM UTC-4, ted wrote:

> Ed wrote "... I have to hand it to Grant to even bring the QB and SO 
> to market". 
> Hear Hear, and put me down for grateful too. 

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