I love pine tar soap. I tried it based on Grant's recommendation first as a 
face soap, soon the entire body. I have told this story here before: when I 
went to a month long radar course in Norman OK and met a fellow cute 
meteorologist who road a metebecance with a leather saddle, who tele skied, 
AND who used pine tar soap, I married her! We both just shared a shower 
together and one bar of pine tar. My conclusion: pine tar soap leads to 
marital bliss!

On Saturday, March 17, 2012 10:53:05 AM UTC-6, Frank wrote:

> For more than a decade, every day, I’ve used Pine Tar Soap as shampoo, 
> body cleanser, and shaving cream.  For some reason just this morning, 
> this reality struck me as somewhat remarkable, and so here I will.
> I don’t buy or use any other products for the general touch-up of my 
> physical exterior. I have all of my hair at fifty (in fact, perhaps more 
> than I’d like on top), little to no discernible gray, no dandruff, no skin 
> troubles, no funny smells, and most importantly, no hassle. While I can’t 
> attribute this, from my perspective, generally desirable condition to the 
> soap directly, I can look at my only (younger) brother and rationally 
> conclude that I am either comparatively fortunate, or that the soap helps.
> My routine is pretty simple. Water on, close eyes, lather hair, face, and 
> other bits all at once, find razor, shave, and rinse.  When Bar Now is 
> nearly reduced to a sliver, it gets set atop Bar Next, where it anneals, 
> continuing the cycle. I cannot think of a single other thing in my life 
> from which I’ve derived such sustainable utility, ease of use, and value.
> For what it’s worth, I work in technology, spend a great deal of time 
> “down in the valley” and (as we say in Seattle) “up on the mountain” in the 
> company of corporate directors, BOD members, venture capitalists, partner 
> senior executives, and every day I work in lockstep with DevOps staff.  I 
> like to think about stuff, but I’m by no means bohemian. I guess the point 
> there is that my program seems to dovetail just fine with the rest of 
> society, and no one’s the wiser. 
> Perhaps the best news is that my kids, two boys eight and eleven, are on 
> the same program, and to them it’s a good thing. I feel as if with the help 
> of Rivendell, I’ve AXE-proofed my home, and that’s worth a lot.
> Lather, rinse, repeat.

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