Well, the one I made was specifically for one bike, and won't fit on at 
least two other bikes of mine.  So I don't expect this pattern to be useful 
for many bikes.  Ship me your bike and I'll make a pattern for it!  

On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 10:51:14 AM UTC-7, HappyCamper wrote:
> Very cool.
> Post the pattern you used? :)
> - Ryan
> On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 9:42:21 AM UTC-7, William wrote:
>> That material may be available in semi-translucent shades, but this stuff 
>> is pretty darn opaque.  On the conspicuity front, you could absolutely 
>> plaster the thing with reflective stickers.  I have gaffer tape in day-glo, 
>> and I have glow in the dark tape that would be pretty entertaining to look 
>> at.  But I don't have good retroreflective tape on hand.  I've got a couple 
>> tape wholesalers I've purchased from.  
>> I took the handlebar bag into the office and the postal scale.  The bag 
>> weighs 360 grams and has a 14.75 liter capacity.  
>> On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 7:52:56 AM UTC-7, BSWP wrote:
>>> Looks great, and nicely taped. That material is semi-translucent, yes? 
>>> You could put a bright LED inside, and it would light up the whole, like a 
>>> lantern. Not as good as a headlight, but it could serve a different 
>>> aesthetic purpose.
>>> - Andrew, Berkeley
>>> On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 11:59 PM, William  wrote:
>>>> So a few of my bags use corroplast stiffeners.  It occurred to me that 
>>>> I could make an entire handlebar bag out of corroplast.  It's partly just 
>>>> for a lark, and partly to prototype a bigger bag.  It turned out so 
>>>> nicely, 
>>>> I might start using it and see how it holds up.  I've got some experience 
>>>> making things out of tape, so it was a craft kind of in my wheelhouse.  
>>>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/45758191@N04/sets/72157629581969037/with/6835216138/

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