Here's the dilemma...or whatever ya wanna call it.  i think i'm a full
time albatrosser.  i have both i like both but i really only love the
albatross. But i'm having a hardtime making the full time switch.  my
current bike is set up w albatross and is so perfect it's never ever
changing--and i'm currently building up my new to me atlantis.  i've
had the noodles sitting there waiting but in my gut i know i need an
albatross.  (and i'm a two bike guy tops! so building another is out
of the question). my riding style lends to both i suppose because i'm
a whatever rider. i commute i putz and i like hills (but i live in
ohio so let's just say the overpasses can be fun) i don't track speed
mileage etc i just go when i feel like it. a lot of times i  end up
gone all day and i never ever feel limited or slow by the albatross. 2
miles 100 miles makes no difference. if anything i think i'm faster
cause i'm happier more comfortable more confident...etc. sorry to be
long winded but any one else make the switch and say damned to the
drops i just want my albatross? i know it's hardly a big deal but i
hate switching back n forth between bars and what not. but yeah. i'm
an albatrosser.

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