My custom Riv was built for all-round road riding with possible light
touring.  Do-it-all.  (Sidebar:  this was because I'd always been used
to having only one bike so it didn't occur to me to have different-
purpose bikes.)

The Riv always seemed very light to me compared to the other steel
bikes I'd owned.  Still does.  I now have an old Univega for a beater,
and it sure seems heavier.

One day I happened to notice the shop where they service the Riv had a
bike scale.  It turned out to be 26 lbs unladen.  I had it in my mind
that it was lighter than that, but so what?  It's definitely light by
my own comparisons, and no other bike I've owned has been such a joy
to ride.

On Mar 2, 2:45 pm, Ryan Ray <> wrote:
> Thanks the responses. Consider me off the ledge but still investigating the
> possibility of a more stripped down bike. The pictured bike is my one and
> only and as set up serves me well in that regard. City riding, work out
> rides, 80+ mile all day fun rides, hauling the kid to school in the
> trailer, that tour I keep putting off...
> - Ryan
> On Friday, March 2, 2012 11:12:04 AM UTC-8, Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
> > The only question is "how does it ride?"
> > Everything else is just noise.
> > - J
> > --
> > Jim Edgar
> >
> > Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries -
> > Current Classics - Cross Bikes
> > Singlespeed - Working Bikes
> > "You must be the change you want to see in the world."
> >    Mahatma Gandhi

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