I've finally put the finishing touches together, so here's a link to a few 
photos of my 68 cm Bombadil. <http://flic.kr/p/bvSB28> Scroll through to 
see some photos of Cat's 54 cm Homer. You'll also find a couple of 
traditional GGRBWOB full-frame, drive-side shots for your enjoyment!
The Bombadil is great. So far it's only really been used for commuting, 
although we plan to tour on these bikes. Such a nice ride, it feels stable 
but not in the least bit slow. I weigh 100–110 Kg, and the most I've loaded 
it up with would be about 12 Kg (some in basket, some in SaddleSack) so 
far, and there wasn't the slightest problem.There was no difference in 
handling that I could detect. I can't wait to put some more Kms on it!

I'd like to thank the list members whose bikes have inspired these builds. 
In particular, the photos and descriptions of Amit's, Kelly's, René's and a 
couple of other Bombadils on Flickr whose parentage I'm not certain of have 
been most helpful.



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