Here in Madison, WI, we are also blessed to have many good bike shops, with knowledgeable owners and employees, well stocked with cool bikes and bike parts. Cronometro <>, Yellow Jersey<>, Revolution Cycles <>, Budget Bicycle Center<>... Even at the flagship Trek Bicycle Store <> you can find some very skilled and knowledgeable mechanics who truly love bikes and bicycling, including my buddy who rides an Atlantis.
Any city that is lacking a good LBS is really lacking something important, in my opinion. It is not just about the convenience of being able to go to the LBS to buy a part the same day that you perceive a want/need. It gets to the question of whether or not your community includes a critical mass of people (other than bike racers and wannabes) who love cycling. I feel very fortunate that when I move later this year for work reasons, it will be to another city that has many cyclists and cool bike shops, San Francisco. - David G On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 12:08 PM, PATRICK MOORE <> wrote: > Once again, I am very surprised that this is the usual for so many places. > We do get idiots like the youngster who was insisting that the 6'4" man > next to me needed a 56 cm frame (I snarled and spluttered myself into > disgrace that day) but usually at least the older mechanics and the > owners/managers are on the ball. > > Am I just more mellow, or are we especially blessed here in ABQ? > > > On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:47 AM, cyclotourist <>wrote: > >> I love it when I go to a bike shop and they tell me that there is no >> such part made. Most recently it was the Park MLP-1 chain link pliers. >> First it was "There is no such thing," from one of the MECHANICS (they >> typically tend to be more clued in) then finally "Why do you want >> that?" from the managerial type. >> >> I ordered on-line. >> >> On 2/17/12, Bill Carter <> wrote: >> > Jim, >> > I really appreciate the common sense way you represent the LBS point >> > of view, but some niche items (for lack of a better term) are just too >> > far off the radar for most shops. Your shop is a rare exception. I >> > know and trust a local shop where they actually do very good work. I >> > try to support and spend with them when I can rather than internet >> > order everything. I recently asked if they had any seat posts with >> > more offset, to which the manager replied that posts aren't even made >> > that way because of the added stress induced by greater offset. I >> > just went home and ordered one from Harris. >> > Bill >> > >> > On Feb 16, 7:28 pm, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery <> >> > wrote: >> >> In the oddball little Rivendell niche, a shop could conceivably stock >> most >> >> of the parts of interest, most of the time. In the broader world of >> bikes, >> >> however, it's impossible. There's just too much, and since few shops >> can >> >> isolate themselves in a niche and survive, we have to be ready for >> anybody >> >> who walks through the door, from the guy who rides dumpstered X-mart >> BSOs >> >> to the bleeding edge roadie to the retrogrouch looking for a wide >> >> selection >> >> of toe clips and straps to the antiquarian who wants us to find >> chainrings >> >> for his old Stronglight crank. Here, when we're busy, "we can order it >> for >> >> you" means "it'll be here tomorrow". Still, I get a chuckle when >> customers >> >> tell me, "that's ok, I'll try some other shops" when I'm 99% certain >> that >> >> no local shop would intentionally stock such a low-demand item. Good >> luck, >> >> I say! Anyway, "we can order it for you" is not the kiss of death. >> They'll >> >> likely get it faster that you would from Harris or whatever, and if >> it's a >> >> good shop they'll keep you from making a mistake. >> >> -- >> Cheers, >> David >> Redlands, CA >> > > -- > Patrick Moore > Albuquerque, NM > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at