I'll add some comments regarding the San Marcos since I just finished 
building one (my first San Marcos)here in my shop within the last couple of 
days.  A 54cm in particular.  It's winter here in Ohio so I haven't had a 
chance to take one out for a test ride, but from the way it looks I expect 
it will ride exactly like every other Rivendell: beautifully balanced, 
lively, all-day comfortable.  In fact, in terms of tire clearance and the 
way it looks it, it looks like a Romulus or a Rambouillet, but with the 
expanded frame geometry of a Sam Hillborne.
I find the Romulus or Rambouillet to be a bit more toss-able/touch more 
lively than the Sam Hillborne and I would expect the Sam Marcos would be 
more like the Rom/Ramb, but that's just guessing at this point.        
I have the one here in the shop built with 700 x 32 black Pasela's with 
P-45 silver SKS fenders, and like the Romulus or Rambouilet it all fits 
together just great.  And like the Romulus and Rambouillet I expect you can 
squeeze Jack Brown Greens into the frame with fenders - though some would 
argue that it's a bit too tight.  I've always been comfy doing so, but 
that's your call. 
I'm not sure what you have in mind when you say "light touring"?  And not 
knowing what frame size you're looking at I can only suggest the San Marco 
should do just fine, as long as you're okay with the limitations on the 
size of the tire and the braze-ons on the bike. I have a buddy of mine who 
rides his 61 Romulus on fully loaded tours and he seems to do fine.  I'm 
guessing the San Marco would do just as well, especially in the 58 & 63 
frame size with the double top tube.  
Dick Denning  

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