The furthet north, the later into summer?

On Saturday, January 14, 2012, John Blish <> wrote:
> I'm in if I am not out somewhere else on tour.  Hoping to ride
Minneapolis to Denver and back this summer and also couple weeks in
Northern MN.
> Thanks for doing this, Jim.  Wherever it ends up taking place it should
be a great ride.  And fun.
> I am in the process of selling my last Rivendell (59 Bleriot Protovelo)
so I might have to tour as a member of some kind of auxiliary or as a
has-been or used-to-be if it is gone by the time the tour takes place.  I
am willing to ride in the back, go sIowly and deny I am part of the group
if any outsiders ask, if that helps.  I probably need to ride in the back
and go slowly anyway.
> I sold 3 Rivendells last summer.  I hope to be grandfathered in, partly
because of my age and partly because I could show up on my Bridgestone
MB-1, with a note from Grant that just for this tour, the old Bridgestone
qualifies me.
> Best,
> -jb
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 5:29 PM, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery <> wrote:
>> Just reading about the Riv Rally East in another thread. Jeez, that
sounds fun. I briefly contemplated a trip eastward, but then I thought, why
not just do it here? I know lots of great routes where the attributes of
Riv bikes would shine, both functionally and cosmetically.
>> I'd be willing to put together a Riv Rally Midwest sometime this
upcoming summer. Most likely it would be somewhere between Minneapolis and
Madison and a 2-day weekend format with camping and hotel options. Also,
most likely there would be ride route options to suit different fitness
levels and adventurousness thresholds (nothing "extreme").
>> Anybody interested?
>> --
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> John Blish
> Minneapolis MN USA
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