I'm sure I miss a lot of the humor because I've never been heavily immersed 
in "bike culture". I don't do group rides, or tour, or brevets. I've never 
been a hyper-fast roadie in "team" lycra, or owned a "fixie". Almost all of 
my riding career has been spent "just going for a ride" on a series of 
Bridgestones, and a couple Rivs..with a several-year foray into recumbents. 
Both "Riv culture" and "bent culture" are so easily mocked for already 
being niches within niches within niches that it's hard to make it much 
funnier than just pointing at us and saying, "What the hell is going on 
over there?" 
Joe "there's something going on here, but you don't know what it is, do 
you..?" Bernard
Vallejo, CA.

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