One of the main reasons I bought an AHH is because it fit me so well. I, 
like you have always had to fiddle with long seat posts, too short TT, stem 
extensions, etc to get a good fit. And It doesn't even sound like I'm as 
tall as you (I was on the 65/67 AHH divide... went 65 and happy about it). 
I don't have a Hunq but I do remember reading somewhere that if an Atlantis 
is too small go Hunq or Bomba for loaded touring. 

I think about a Hunq for loaded touring or just to have a fat tire off road 
bike, but the reality is that anything more than one or 2 night out is not 
in the cards for a while and the off roading I'm interested in is do-able 
with AHH with 40mm tires. 

In the spirit of spreading out the cost... I bought the AHH as a frame and 
got components from donor bikes and have been upgrading slowly. 

Proper fit and being suitable for the intended purpose are equally 
paramount criteria in my mind. Thinking my bike is "cool" is a close 


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