Yes, I've never figured out how to save routes the way one could in
Yahoo Maps.
But this is quite cool: you use its smartphone app or a GPS, and it
maps your route, which you can post, share, etc.

Notice that you can get avg speed in various segments.  I'm guessing
they're crowd-sourced named.

Searching isn't great, it seems.  I wonder if it'd be possible to
create a public "Riv-ish" collection of routes.


On Jan 3, 12:26 am, Philip Williamson <>
> I made a map, added the phrase "Rivendell Friendly" to it, and tried
> to find it, both in GMaps, and in GGoogle. There doesn't seem to be
> any searchability in personal maps, even if they're public. Ideally, I
> could zoom in on Orange County, type "Rivendell Ride" in the maps
> search and find five or six mapped rides, but I can't. I imagine
> that's on the agenda for Google, someday, but not today.
> I agree with Tse-Tsung that a database of "Rivendell" rides would be
> dynamite. I like easy, I like central, so I'd vote for a thread here.
> Here's a test map for a route I saved: a mixed terrain ride from
> McMinnville, Oregon to the Flying M ranch, where bike events are
> sometimes held.
> So: link, description, location-specific 
> keywords.
> "Bicycle route from Tommy's Bike Shop in McMinnville to the Flying M
> Ranch in Yamhill. Mixed Terrain, Rivendell friendly Willamette Valley
> ride. Lots of gravel, some climbing. Staying off of Westside Road,
> because there's no shoulder, low visibility, and the hay trucks go
> 70mph.
> McMinnville, Carlton, Yamhill, Oregon, 97128, Southwest of Portland,
> OR."
>  Philip
> Philip
> On Jan 2, 2:04 pm, Philip Williamson <>
> wrote:
> > I used Bikely a few years ago, but now I've mostly plotted things out
> > in Google Maps, usually after the ride. My MO is to set out, get lost,
> > get found, and have a good time.
> > I just tagged a Google map I made yesterday (in 97128 zip) as
> > "Rivendell friendly," but I can't see how to search public maps. It
> > may just take a while to propagate. If it works, we can simply make
> > our maps, tag them consistently, and done. Ideally, you can go to
> > "Carlton OR" on Google Maps and search for 'rivendell.' It's a mixed-
> > terrain route from the McMinnville bike shop to the Flying M ranch (I
> > want to attend a bike thing there in May).
> >  Philip
> > Philip
> > On Jan 2, 10:54 am, TSW <> wrote:
> > > hi all,
> > > Sorry if this has been discussed already- is there a place where
> > > people have posted or can post trail recommendations?  Could be a
> > > thread here... or a Google spreadsheet perhaps?  I know there must be
> > > online resources... I was thinking something that's a bit more Riv-
> > > ish- country biking and all that- a mix of road and not terribly
> > > technical off-road.
> > > TIA,
> > > Tse-Sung
> > > Berkeley
> > > ps- yesterday, in our neck o' the woods, I started at Inspiration
> > > Point in Tilden and took a trail down into Wildcat Canyon, then took
> > > the Wildcat Creek trail all the way to the Alvarado Staging Area in El
> > > Sobrante.  A really nice ride.  Met some very nice dogs too :-)
> > > More:
> > >
> > > Hit the "3D" button on the left, to fly it.

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