I'm down in Fl on vac and doing a 200k brevet with the Gainesville Cycling
Club this Saturday. I want to ride it fast but want to enjoy it, which
usually means latching onto a group of riders and riding with them.
I'm on a titanium Serotta I keep down here, on 23's ( the roads are
flawless). Will speed or the social aspect prevail? Probably somewhere in
the middle.
When I return to CT I plan on doing some rides in the Boston, Berkshire,
and Vermont Brevet series. When I do them I want to enjoy them. More
Cyclotourist than Randonneur.
When I read Jan's description of riding across the Pyrenees, I was saddened
by the fact he rode through the night, sacrificing all for a e.t.
That pretty much landed me in the Cyclotourist camp, or at least in the
"daytime hours only" Rando camp.
As Pondero has said, "fun is the highest priority".

On Sunday, January 1, 2012, Kelly Sleeper <> wrote:
> z-man.. stiff racing wheels, light narrow tires, and that aero riding
position do make a difference.. when you think the at going from drops to
hoods at say 20ish mph is a 2 mph penalty then taking the riv and raising
the bars then adding the weight of the tires and tubes.. yes sir you will
be slower.
> get ride of the odometer and it still rides and feels quick.. and for
sport riding I don't really notice it.. but it is slower.. not just tires
through... it's a package.
> So a century takes 45 minutes longer.. I'm much more comfortable.
> Kelly
> --
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