On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 7:19 AM, opa...@gmail.com <opa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Nearly everyday, a coworker, who rides a
> carbon fiber bike, comes in my office, lifts up my Atlantis by the top tube
> and exclaims: "My god that's heavy".  I've run out of things to say to him
> in reply so I may forward your post instead.

The question is... do they lift it while it's still fitted with panniers
that still contain your lunch, the tools that you use more frequently for
saving stranded CF riders than to fix your own bike, and half full bottles?

I inevitably have to laugh when they try to lift my bike by the middle of
the top tube, and the loaded rear wheel doesn't even come off the ground
before they exclaim that it's heavy...  oh, really?  You mean my canvas
bags, glass and stainless steel lunch containers, and tools weigh as much
as you'd expect an entire bike to weigh?

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