Well, I didn't actually have much choice in the matter when I ordered
my Hunqapillar. The 48cm was the ONLY one that stood a chance of
fitting, and it seemed to me to be a little big. I set up one of my
other bikes at the same standover ... and it made me a little nervous.
THe top tube on the 48 is also a little longer than my other bikes.
However, after talking with Keven, it sounded like it would be fine,
so I placed the order for a 48 with Albatross bars and a 12cm tech
deluxe stem. I am VERY happy about the fit, and wouldn't wish for
anything smaller. It rides great and fits perfectly ... so I would say
don't even worry about the bigger size, especially with Albatross
bars.  Pics of my bike are here:

Best wishes for your new bike!

On Dec 15, 5:11 pm, cbone97 <cbon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So...I have my bride's blessing to get a Hunq. Yay! I'm 5'10.5" tall
> and I've measured my PBH with the Riv paint sticks method and get an
> 87. Both Grant and Keven say go with the 58 Hunq for sure. I KNOW that
> should be the last word, end all. But, the Hunq page size
> recommendations and the geo charts put me on the fence, ie I can't
> help but wonder if I'd be more comfortable on the 54. I don't care if
> I don't have 2" of standover, but I also don't want my PH strained
> over the bike when I stand flat footed.  I tend to wear shoes that
> aren't going to add a lot of height.  I don't think I'd ever want/need
> to run the biggest tires the Hunq will handle, but it'd be nice to
> know I could do Big Apple 50's with no worries.  So...is anyone out
> there with a comparable PBH who can put my mind at ease on the 58
> Hunq, or otherwise say that I needn't fear the "Big Riv" sizing?
> Thanks in advance, looking forward to sharing pics of my (hopefully 58
> - I like the diagatube) Hunq.

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