My QB is currently set with a 26/34 chain ring comb, and a 16/18 FW.  I do have 
a 22 FW on the flip which I seldom use. My comfortable top speed on flats is 
only 14-16 mph. I live in SF, though, and I climb lots of hills of varying 
degrees of grade. I like the current configuration. 

From: Tim Whalen <>
Sent: Wed, December 14, 2011 8:03:01 AM
Subject: [RBW] Quickbeam gearing for hills and weak knee?

Hi All,

I love my Quickbeam but the combo of living on a hill and having a 
knee that I want to avoid mashing on is limiting my riding with it.  I now have 
40/30 front and a 17/19 freewheel.  I'd love to get it set up so I could spin 
home uphill and am willing to sacrifice top speed to do so, but also need to 
keep enough top end to ride safely on streets with cars.  I'd also like to 
flipping the wheel to get to an even lower outer freewheel.  

So, any thoughts about how I could modify my current gearing to favor easy 
climbing yet still have a bike that was geared high enough to be rideable on 
streets downtown?

Thanks in advance.

Still wanting it all in
Colorado Springs

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