They're not "tentacle" stays...they're "tentacular" ! Good name. Now, if I could only come up with a theory to explain the asymmetry.
The truth is, when I sent my drawing to Taiwan (yes,this may be a production bike at some distant point), I sent symmetrical stays, more like the one of the drive side. When I got back their interpretation, they were asymmetrical, like you see here. My first reaction was exactly what anybody's would have been: "What'sit? Why? Who said to do that? It's not what I'd expect--that kind of loosey goosey creativity---from a do-as-you're-told Taiwanese CAD dude." THen, about five seconds later, I loved it, welcomed it, and that was it. They have to have an effect, and the effect has to be a slight stiffening or reinforcing. They can't NOT do that. The task is simple and I like how they look, and so Tapebubba is kind of right. HS: Early on, I was thinking of this as a super slack bike. A slacker bike. A Slackeur...and in keeping with the primate names lately, I thought OK, Henri Slackeur..or Henriettta Slackeuse, for the fairer sex there. But it seemed like too much of a joke on the American fad of Frenchifying everything...not that we've never done that, but the door is shut on it for now, at least. The current working model name is Abner Thorp...but I think that may be too harsh for some, so it's far from final. It could be Rosco Bubbe, even tho that was going to be for the kid's bike that probably won't happen. I do like that name a lot. Right now I'm not thinking much about the name (and please no suggestions, so I don't feel horrible for not taking them, if I don't). I figure anybody who can handle the curvey T-stays and the overall idea of the bike can also handle a slightly out-of-bounds name, but it won't be H. Slackeur/ Slackeuse. SIze on a production model, if it happens, will be 50.7, 54.3, 58.7, 61.7. The smally will have 650B. The two bigs, 700c. The 54.3 I got has 700c, but final may be 650B. The 650B Bettys we have a really boss- riding bikes, and Dave here is rooting for it. I don't know yet. On Dec 7, 1:47 pm, William <> wrote: > Still no explanation for the "HS" though. I wonder... -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at