>It's not only harsh, it's a grotesque distortion and exaggeration of
>what has been said.  Go ahead and slay the straw man if you like, but
>don't forget it's a straw man and has little to no relationship to
>what's actually been said.
Steve ... actually the sentence below actually stated it was this and other 
reading and time wasted... so not really about you or what had been  said so 
far on this thread.  More additional to the thread and NOT an exaggeration at 
all much less a grotesque one. 

> And not all of the harsh is from this thread and more from all the reading 
> and time wasted reading about trail has made me harsh.    
>2 lb worth of handlebar bag you probably wouldn't notice.  Make it 5-6
>lb, though and I'm confident you will; and 10 lb with the wrong geometry
>it'll have you swearing.

Obviously our experiences have differed as the pictures I posted would also 
indicate.  It may be "wrong geometry" for you.  But obviously it's not a bad 
geometry for many.  10lbs on the front of my AHH is nothing ... 30lbs / 40lbs 
on front of my Bombadil handles fine.  For me.. maybe not for you.. if not then 
don't buy it.  Point being the "low trail" rhetoric / You apparently tend to 
jump up and yell wrong geometry every time someone talks about a front load.  
It' s just not that simple.  Most people understand that.  

It's how I feel and I like my bikes.. you like or want low trail great.. I'm 
happy for you... the only grotesque exaggeration present was your reaction to 
my post .. and playing thread guard telling others what was said and what makes 
sense and doesn't. 



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