On Tue, 2011-11-15 at 14:26 -0500, Peter Morgano wrote:
> Hmm,  I would love to get out there on some fire roads upstate. Cant
> tell what kind of rubber you are using though. 

Grand Bois Hetre.  Best tire I've ever used on gravel roads.  

> I have the grand bois hetres which do a great job on the pothole
> riddled roads here in Brooklyn but you think they would be ok for soft
> dirt/gravel paths. I only ask because they really have no "tread" to
> speak of to grab into the softer stuff. Thanks for any advice you can
> offer. 

I haven't ridden on soft dirt paths.  The unpaved roads where I ride --
and up in Wellsboro PA as well, as you can see in the photos linked to
below -- are very hard dirt base.  Tire tread doesn't do any sinking in
and "grabbing" on such surfaces; in fact, if you want to dig there,
better bring a pick-axe.  

On really soft surfaces and on wet grass, the Hetre isn't the best tire.
But you don't have really soft surfaces or wet grass on unpaved roads
with any real amount of motor vehicle traffic, in my experience. 
The other "dirt" surfaces I've ridden on are unpaved rail trails,
typically paved with crushed limestone, which packs very hard beneath
the top surface, and knobby tread isn't important on those surfaces

> Peter
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Steve Palincsar <palin...@his.com>
> wrote:
>         On Mon, 2011-11-14 at 13:29 -0800, Peter M wrote:
>         > Reading about Seattle in November inspired me to upload pics
>         of my
>         > first 50 miles on the Saluki at the Brooklyn Waterfront
>         under the
>         > Verrazzano Bridge. I mean 60 Degrees in NY in November is
>         just
>         > amazing. Got two compliments from some gents in thier 70s on
>         bikes
>         > that looked like they got them when they were in high
>         school, but hey
>         > it was inspiring to think I could still be riding 40 years
>         from now on
>         > the Saluki!  Link to some pics I snapped when I stopped for
>         a mentos
>         > break. http://www.flickr.com/photos/67889635@N06/?saved=1
>         Bike rides
>         > just amazing and is so comfortable compared to anything else
>         I have
>         > owned. Seriously thinking about selling my MB2 to put a down
>         payment
>         > on an Atlantis so I can have something to go offroad
>         upstate... but
>         > have to wait until the spring or my wife would seriously
>         kill me in my
>         > sleep, hahaha!
>         If "offroad" to you means unpaved roads, the Saluki might well
>         be all
>         you need.  I had a Saluki on the Riv Rally East this May, with
>         some very
>         nice dirt road riding, and it was just fine.  Photos here:
>         http://www.flickr.com/groups/1691409@N23/pool/show/
>         --
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