On Nov 10, 2011, at 12:35 PM, SISDDWG wrote:

> The people searching Craigslist are looking for something for nothing.  

<grump>My observation is that the sellers on Craigslist tend to vastly 
overestimate the value of their stuff they want to flog.  Calling it "vintage" 
adds about 50%.  I look at bikes and guitars on the local CL and it's amazing 
how much overpriced crap there is in both categories.  A 30 years old Raleigh 
Sports 3 speed is not worth $500.  It sold for about $120 and it's not even 
worth that now, let alone four times what it cost new.  A 20 year old entry 
level Ibanez guitar is not a "vintage closet classic" worth five times what it 
cost new.  Etc.  </grump>

Craigslist is basically a garage sale online.  Used stuff just doesn't hold 
value very well except maybe for things like diamonds, precious metals and 
things that are actually rare.

> Prices of 10+ years ago have no bearing on today's value.

It's a point of reference that is useful to know.  Why would this frame and 
fork, for example, be worth more than it sold for new?  It's 15 years or more 
old, it's used, it's even been damaged albeit slightly.  I think it's worth 
half of what the seller is asking at most.

But then I also think that there is an attitude that somehow a Rivendell or a 
Bridgestone hold value to a much greater degree than other marques.  I have 
often seen people trying to sell something Rivendell from years back at the 
same price they paid for it new.  If they can find someone who thinks that's a 
good deal, then more power to 'em I guess.

> What do you think that $1,100 Longlow would cost at today's dollar value?

What difference does that make in buying a *used* bike frame?  The original 
price is useful information, the cost of a new similar item is irrelevant IMHO.

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