
I use indoor soccer shoes, typically adidas (I don't care for the samba
model as the sole feels to "clunky") but I also like diadora, and I use MKS
touring pedals. The soles feel "just stiff enough" without being so stiff
that completely lose feel of the pedal.

Larry, McDougall is correct that the foot, knee, *hip* and back are all part
of on system. In my practice (physical therapy) I find most knee problems
derive from weak and tight hip external rotators and abductors. Although the
foot can have an effect on the mechanics of the knee, that's not so much the
case in cycling because the heel (calcaneus) is not primarily load bearing
(as it is in walking or running). Instead, the force of the pedal stroke is
distributed through the flexible fore- and mid-foot. Good to hear the
Merrell's are working for you, though, as I've been considering a pair for
running. I've always preferred a flat, light, shoe.



On 19 October 2011 23:21, Andrew Johnson <> wrote:

> I wish I could find a great non-cleated cycling shoe - something with a
> very thin but stiff sole, for my MKS touring pedals, and have wondered about
> the new Merrills. This review shows just how flexible they are, do those
> really work well for cycling?
> I'll visit the local show shop, see if they have some to try on.
> - Andrew, Berkeley
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 7:57 PM, LF <> wrote:
>> Liesl.
>> I've had knee problems on and off, for 25-years. They started during
>> over-ambitious, under-conditioned cycling. Last year, I read *Born to Run,*
>> and recommend it. McDougall, IIRC, explains that the foot, knee, and back
>> are all part of one system, and that shoes muck up natures design -- giving
>> rise to all sorts of aches and pains. Well, I developed the full compliment
>> of aches and pains.
>>  I tried the 5-fingers "barefoot shoes," and found them kind of weird.
>> About a month ago, I started wearing Merrell's barefoot True Glove shoes
>> exclusively. No more sneakers, SPDs, Keens; no more padded, reinforced or
>> healed footware. I like them. I am more surefooted, walk quieter, and pain
>> free. I cycle in them. I wear them to work. I stand for hours comfortably. I
>> go for hikes. I'm a zealous convert.
>> For me, daily stretches, judicious chiropractic, and "barefoot" running
>> shoes free me from chronic muscular-skeletal pain of the back and lower
>> extremities. YMMV.
>> Any other iBobs try the barefoot thing? That, a primal diet, and Bob is
>> your Uncle.
>> Best,
>> Larry
>>  --
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lyle f bogart dpt

156 bradford rd
wiscasset, me 04578

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