I just picked up a truly enormous Nigel Smythe bag from a member here (or 
maybe ibob, or both) and it's in need of a thingy. I call it thus, as I have 
no idea what to call it. It's a little nipple-type-thing that attaches to 
the flap over a side pocket, then the strap attched to the main body of the 
pocket has a hole on its end which slips over the thingy to close the 
pocket. Said thingy is the nipple-type-part, which is backed up by a screw 
that threads in from behind the pocket flap. 
So, I've a grommet in need of a thing-grommets-slip-over. Does anybody know 
where I can find such a thing(y)?
Joe Bernard
Fairfield, CA.
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