More than one, actually. A whole, shall we say, "chain" of them.

Yep, my first week of enjoying the silence of the Silver shifter and I hear 
this tiny squeak. Once. Twice. Silence. Oh... must've been some truck's brakes 
on the distance... or a gate hinge. Wait, no... there it is again. And again. 
And again.

Within five minutes I was hearing a steady series of rather load squeaks when 
and only when I pedaled. Hmmm... what would Grant do? What would Sheldon do?

So I hopped off my bike and lubed my chain. Took less than three minutes, 
including digging the lube out of my capacious SaddleSack. My chain has never 
actually squeaked before. But it has made scrape-y grind-y not-good noises when 
I don't practice Good Chain Management. So I do carry lube.

The effect was immediate. So now my chain is silent once again. The Peace of 
the Silver Shifter is restored.

Or it was temporarily. Soon enough I heard another isolated squeak. But it 
never grew into a continual series of them. For the remaining half-hour of my 
ride home from work, my chain would squeak every nowand then.

In a classic bit of irony, as I get used to the joy of quiet, smooth, balanced, 
engaging friction shifting with my new Silver shifter cockpit, my chain now 
squeaks every time I shift gears.

Thomas Lynn Skean

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