Eric: will you share with us your rear light wiring strategy? Thanks.

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 10:23 AM, EricP <> wrote:
> I have my E3 mounted forward like that on my Hillborne.  It can get a
> bit dirty.  Might switch things around in the future.  Although the
> Sam isn't often out in winter.  However, mounting on the front of the
> Nitto rack might be better for me.
> For the Cyo, haven't found problems with the switch.  Although my
> tendency is to keep it on at all times.  Especially now that I have a
> tail light hooked up.  The light is on the fork crown above a fender,
> so is away from some of the elements.
> If one were to go with two lights, the Fly might be a good choice.
> Or, if looking to save money, the Lyt might be an option.  Installed
> one on my wife's bike.  It has a good beam pattern and she likes it
> better than the Lumotech Oval which it replaced.
> Khalid - I personally don't think mounting a light on the front fender
> would work.  Too much vibration.  A second strut in front of the light
> might help.  Then I could see it being possible.
> Eric Platt
> St. Paul, MN
> On Sep 7, 10:30 am, Jude <> wrote:
>> > Regarding Cyo, how does it hold up under bucketing rain?  Does it take
>> > on water?  I've read some concerns about it not being as tight as the
>> > Edelux...
>> I mounted the first Cyo on the forward tab of a Nitto M12 rack.  This
>> placed the light directly in the spray of the tire.  I kept thinking
>> "I need to move that light or extend the fender".  After about a year
>> it finally failed in a downpour.  I tried letting it dry for a week
>> but that didn't help.  Luckily it was still under warranty, Peter
>> White replaced it.  I was honest about the conditions and the
>> placement.
>> After that I followed Bicycle Quarterly's advice.  The new light is
>> mounted under the rack to the side.   Rene Herse sells a bracket at a
>> fair price though one could easily make their own.  Great placement
>> and keeps the light out of the 
>> spray.
> --
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Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
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